Wednesday, July 28, 2010

God Will Have the Last Word

My hubby was in desperate need for a car. He has always been in "need" for a new car, but we could never afford it. We just figured that as long as it ran and got him from point A to point B, it would be okay. A while back, he had purchased a 1999, Volkswagon Jetta. He loved that car and literally drove it to death. Lately it has been falling apart on him. The mirror on the passenger side is being held up by Mighty Putty and the window is taped up to keep from falling back in the door (the land of no return). He has a leak in his anti-freeze, bad breaks and a dying transmission. He took it in to be looked at and the cost of the repairs just seemed too much for such an older model. The car was 11 years old.
So at the beginning of the summer, we started shopping around for new cars. My husband really wanted a new car since he had never owned a new car before, so on we went. We tried several different dealerships and banks for loans and after a couple months, it became evident that we were just going in circles and getting nowhere.
Although my husband and I are working on building our credit up, it's a process that takes time. Back in our late teens and early twenties, we weren't the brightest with money. Something we, of course, regret and a gained knowledge that we will hopefully pass onto our children one day.
So with bad luck on our side, I started praying. I remember my Pastor saying that when you feel hopeless, just pray. But to be aware b/c it may not be the answer you want. So I prayed. Then, my husband went to a dealership that said they should be able to work with us. We thought things were finally looking up, but instead, it turned out to be another denial.
I became frustrated. I was praying and my husband was a good man, he deserved a new car. I was thinking, How come God isn't providing? Can't He see we really do "need" one? So after a couple more days of praying, we finally found an answer and got an approval for a "newer" used car. It turns out, my husband had started praying with me. He said he didn't know where else to go and just went to God. It makes me wonder if God was just waiting for my hubby to ask Him for help, since it was his "need."
After a couple test drives and talks of finance, he settled on an 07 Ford Edge, in mint condition. A great car, even though it's not new. My pastor was right. It was my husband's prayers who were answered and wasn't exactly the answer he wanted (since he wanted a new car, but it's a very nice car that's reliable).
This whole story has reminded me of the scripture "But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more." -Psalm 71:14. Even though I became frustrated, I still had hope and still prayed to God and so did my hubby.
"I waited patiently for the Lord;He inclined to me and heard my cry." -Psalm 40:1. Patience is something I sill need to work on in my prayers. Even though it had been months, if God wanted us to wait a year, then a year it would have been.
But last night, I did lay my head down before bed and gave thanks to God for providing for us. My friend had the best quote for our situation: "Our credit score said one thing, but God always has the final say!" <---- And this is so true. He will always have the last say!

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